Selling scrap aluminum can be a quick and simple way to earn some extra cash. There are many sources of aluminum that you could gather up and make money from. Scrap aluminum prices are constantly changing, but the metal is always in demand. Keep reading to discover how to sell scrap aluminum for good profits.
To make some good money, firstly you will need to gather a good amount of scrap aluminum to sell. A great source of aluminum is household appliances.
There are plenty of household appliances that contain aluminum. These include things like dehumidifiers, air conditioners, and lawn mowers etc. You can use your own household appliances, or help others by carting theirs away. Better yet, many places will pay you to take away their old appliances, so you can actually get paid twice this way. Post an ad offering cheap disposal of junk metal.
When you gather aluminum from household appliances, make sure you separate it from other attached metals, e.g. iron bolts and brass ties. Aluminum is worth a lot more when it is separated from other metals.
To gather lots of household appliances you can extract aluminum from, you could place a classified ad offering to remove unwanted appliances free of charge. This way you can help rid people of their old junk, and bag some aluminum you can profit from in the process. You could also sell on other metals you acquire from doing this at your own discretion.
Another good source of aluminum is soda or beer cans. If you drink from cans often, store them in your attic or garage rather than throwing them away. To gather lots more, you could offer to take cans away from neighbors or local businesses who don't recycle.
Once you've collected enough aluminum, you need to make sure it's in the best condition possible. Your aluminum will sell for much more if it's in good condition. Also, the recycler will be less likely to haggle with you.
Clean off your aluminum before selling. Make sure it's free from dirt, and not crawling with ants or other insects.
Now that your scrap aluminum is in good condition, it's time to find some local buyers. Have a look in your Yellow Pages and make a list of the recycling companies in your local area. Call up each company and ask about their scrap aluminum prices.
When your metal is being weighed out, keep your eye on the scales to make sure it is being measured correctly. Instead of merely accepting the highest price you are quoted, give the other companies an opportunity to better the offer. This way you could make even more money.
Not only is selling scrap aluminum a great way to generate extra cash, it's also good for the environment. Search around and you will find recycling companies offering good scrap aluminum prices. Once you've made a profit, take heart in the fact that you've made some money and been kind to Earth at the same time.
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