"When it rains it pours". This quotation always has impact in my life. But what does the author has in mind when he crafted these words? Different people have varying meaning. For sure optimist individual believe that when good things arrive it will not come in one piece but a whole package. While the pessimist's view believes that when bad things occur every thing will do. What we crafted in our mind to believe will always happen. There was one time I had a very bad mood because all bills are due and we are short of money. All day I anticipated that the money we expected will never arrive and that our electricity will be cut off because of unpaid bill. It was my mind set the whole morning and the notion that made me edgy the whole time. I did not check my phone the whole morning dreading the phone call of my housekeeper that our electricity has been cut off. And when I arrive home, all the things I dreaded to happen but expected to arise has occurred and I was not ready. I set my mind for these things to happen and it happened. It was the pessimist's action. If I switch my mind to positive thoughts, it would have been like these; my bills are due and the money I expect will arrive; I can pay my bills this morning. Because I expected the money to arrive I will make the necessary phone call to follow up the person or company. Whether the follow up has come up with money or not I was able to know right away and I could have find other means to pay the due rather than dreaded the negative thoughts of not having money to pay. The input we made is the output we received.
We dig the ground to extract gold and we inch the dark and dingy tunnel because we want good fortunes. Good things do not come on the surface and expects us to just pick it up that easy. We have to arm ourselves with tools to help and guide us. And the only tool that makes impact is the tools of hope and optimism. Hope without optimism is like digging the ground for gold but not sure whether to extract gold or just the coal. You have extracted the gold but behind the years of digging you are not happy. While being optimistic you are happy and enthusiastic on the daily task ahead expecting that the good fortune will soon arrive. And when it does occur, you have lived a happy life while waiting.
Gold miners are people with high hopes and a positive outlook in life. They don't dig the land expecting no gold. They endure hardships and difficulties because beyond the tunnel is the hope of great things in life. Keep digging and tilling your life, after all good fortunes will surely arrive.
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